Cattle slats for expansion of batch milking facilities
In November 2024, Højrupgård Agro at Outrup in West Jutland expanded with Denmark’s second largest batch milking robot center with 17 robots. The expansion increases capacity from 540 cows to 800 cows. SundsAlfa has supplied cattle slats for the new milking parlor.
The project used fixed cattle slats in varying lengths designed for 5 tons of axle load. The slats have a thickness of 18 cm. In total, SundsAlfa has supplied 10,000 m2 of slats for the expansion. We started delivering slats for the expansion in April 2024 and were allowed to join in on the sidelines when the construction was inaugurated with the first cows in the robots in November 2024.
Thanks to Svend Erik Pedersen from Horne Murene and developer Hørupgård for the cooperation.
10,000 sq m of cattle stalls for new milking parlor
Client: Hørupgård Agro (Business owner Thomas Høj Arnum)
Contractor: Horne Murerne
Year of construction: 2024
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